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Start the Conversation: Daily 4

Start the Conversation: Daily 4
See how the Daily 4 Represents the Importance of Your Daily Dental Hygiene with the Help of Your Atlanta GA Dentist

The month of October is right around the corner; the weather gets cooler, the sun goes down earlier, and the nights are longer. It’s also inching closer to Halloween, one of the most popular holidays for children to run around dressed in their favorite costumes collecting copious amounts of candy. But did you know that October is also National Dental Hygiene Month? With the help of your Atlanta GA dentist, we’ll discuss the importance of dental hygiene for kids and adults and what some simple tips are to keep your teeth shining throughout this lovely fall season.

For the seventh straight year in a row, the American Dental Hygienist’s Association and the Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program work together to bring all of our patients National Dental Hygiene Month. This year, we want to help share the word about dental hygiene by Starting the Conversation. We’ll discuss the steps of the Daily 4, the four steps that we want our patients to follow on a daily basis in order to ensure that they’re getting the best smile possible.

Brushing two times a day, once in the morning and once at night, are highly recommended by your dental professionals. Also, brushing for at least two minutes is required to ensure that your teeth are getting the best cleaning that they possibly can. You’re able to brush and reach every area of your mouth to efficiently take care of your smile.

A large majority of patients, whether they’re adults or children, don’t floss for a number of reasons: they find it too difficult or they don’t think that their teeth need flossing, but that isn’t true—everyone’s teeth need to be flossed! If you have a hard time flossing, don’t hesitate to ask us for help so your smile can stay healthy.

Helpful mouth washes and rinses have the ability to clean out any loose food particles from sticking around and lingering for too long. It also helps clear the bacterial film that coats the surface of your teeth while also strengthening your enamel.

Enjoying some sugar-free gum after meals and snacks help protect your teeth and contribute to a healthy oral and dental care routine. Chewing also stimulates your salivary glands, which increases the flow of your saliva by up to 10 times during the first few minutes of use. Ask us about some of the best sugar-free gums that will benefit your smile!

Make sure you help Start the Conversation this October for National Dental Hygiene Month! Contact our office to reach out to your Atlanta GA dentist by calling us today at (770) 777-0808 and schedule an appointment or consultation. Be ready to share the Daily 4 with your friends and family!

Dr. Ed Trizzino Dr. Trizzino is passionate about providing the highest quality dentistry in a friendly, caring environment. This commitment to excellence and attention to detail result in restorations that routinely outperforms the national averages. This longevity results in a sound return on your dental investment.

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