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Checklist For Brushing Properly

Checklist For Brushing Properly

You may think you have been brushing your teeth correctly, but there are many facets that entail maintaining proper oral health. There are many different factors that go into optimizing your dental hygiene. Below are some suggestions on how to make the most of each time you brush your teeth. 
1. Time Spent Brushing
The time spent brushing your teeth is the top priority when it comes to brushing. Many people do not adhere the recommended two minutes, the average brushing length of an American being just fort-five seconds! Ideally, the best length of time is three minutes, encompassing one and a half minutes on both the upper and lower teeth. Listening to your favorite song to get those optimum three minutes in is the best way to do it. Feel free to dance while you brush! 
2. Clean Every Part of the Mouth
Complete dental health includes more than just focusing on brushing your teeth. Tartar and plaque buildup occurs near the gums and requires just as much attention as your teeth.  The tongue is also a place where build up can occur, causing bad breath. Using a tongue scrapper can assist in reducing the amount of buildup on the tongue and flossing can help remove plaque on the sides of the teeth and reduces gum inflammation.
3. Perfect Your Technique
Brushing up and down does not cover the entire surface area of each tooth. Make sure you clean your teeth completely, by brushing in a circular motion on each tooth. Start by brushing the front of your teeth in a circular motion, and then proceed to the inner portion of your teeth, making sure to clean the top and bottom of your molars in the process. 
4. Think Beyond the Brush
It takes more than just a toothbrush to meet all of a patient’s dental hygienic needs. Flossing regularly and properly helps reduce plaque buildup. Using a water pick can help remove plaque and tartar in those hard to reach places. A water pick is especially helpful for those with braces. A mouthwash at the end of brushing and choosing a toothpaste that is effective will help solidify your stellar oral care routine! Consult our office about choosing the appropriate toothpaste and mouthwash for your specific needs.
Keeping up with dental health keeps your mouth healthy, your breath fresh and your teeth white. Call our office today to schedule your regular cleaning or to ask us any questions regarding your oral care health.
Dr. Ed Trizzino Dr. Trizzino is passionate about providing the highest quality dentistry in a friendly, caring environment. This commitment to excellence and attention to detail result in restorations that routinely outperforms the national averages. This longevity results in a sound return on your dental investment.

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