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Back-to-School Tips for Your Smile

Back-to-School Tips for Your Smile

Whether Your Kids are Going Back to School or You Are, Your Atlanta GA Family Dentist Wants Everybody to Have a Happy and Healthy Smile!

Whether your children are about to start school or they’re already back, there’s a lot to keep up with as a parent! New outfits and school supplies are always a must, but so should a visit to the dentist. We believe it’s important to help children understand the importance of visiting the dentist for a routine cleaning and check-up so their teeth can stay strong and healthy—this goes for teens, younger and older adults who may be heading back to school, too! Here are some helpful tips from your Atlanta GA family dentist for students of all ages to maintain a healthy smile.

Choose the Best Toothpaste for You
Everybody has their own unique smile, which means not all toothpastes are the same. There are pastes that are specially made for those with sensitive teeth and some that work on strengthening your enamel. During the check-up, don’t hesitate to ask what kind of toothpaste would work best for either your smile or for your children’s. Fluoride is an important part of toothpaste and works to clean your teeth and prevent decay. This can save you a lot of time and protect your teeth from any aches and pains!

Improve Your Diet
As a parent, it’s your job to ensure that your child is getting the best possible diet that they can; this includes energizing, natural nutrition that will keep their minds sharp and teeth healthy throughout the school day without any sugar crashes. Include some snacks like carrots, celery, fresh fruit, cheese, and yogurt. When you’re an adult responsible for your own meals, you’ve got to make the smart choice—try to find the healthiest alternatives at the cafeterias. Your teeth will thank you the longer they stay strong and bright!

Keep Up with Appointments
Although it may prove to be difficult to bring your child to the dentist, ensure that you’re still regularly scheduling them so their baby teeth are healthy and provide a good future for their adult teeth. As for adults, it’s easy to skip out on an appointment since you’re the one responsible for scheduling them, but your teeth will thoroughly suffer for each day that goes by without a professional cleaning. You want your natural teeth to last as long as possible, so make sure you’re taking care of them as efficiently as possible!

Looking to schedule an appointment or learn more tips to protect your or your children’s smile? Don’t hesitate to contact your Atlanta GA family dentist today by calling our office at (770) 777-0808.

Dr. Ed Trizzino Dr. Trizzino is passionate about providing the highest quality dentistry in a friendly, caring environment. This commitment to excellence and attention to detail result in restorations that routinely outperforms the national averages. This longevity results in a sound return on your dental investment.

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